your hookah smoking bible TM
Hookah Masters FAQs: |
Bowl |
Hookah hose |
Tobacco |
Charcoal |
Smoking |
General |
Travel |
Outdoor sessions |
Car sessions |
Top 10 hookah session meltdowns |
Why such thin hookah smoke? |
If the coal is upside down or has crackes in it, the heat from the charcoal may not burn the tobacco efficiently or effectively. If the coal is upside down, follow the Hookah Setup Guide to fix this problem. If the charcoal is cracked, do not use it, place it on the charcoal tray, and follow the Hookah Setup Guide to flight a new coal. |
Question: Why is the hookah bowl not getting hot? |
Did you light the charcoal? If not, see our Lighting Charcoal section in our Hookah Set-up Guide. If yes, is your Charcoal still all black? If yes, relight your charcoal. Follow our Lighting Charcoal section in the Hookah Set-up Guide. Alterntively, check to make sure that the hollowed out part of the coal is facing down. If this is the case, you are good to go. Move the charcoal into the middle of the bowl so almost all of the holes are covered. Smoke should form after a couple of inhalations. After inhalations and hookah starts smoking, move the coal over to the side so that the hookah does not get harsh. See our Hookah Masters Smoking Guide for tips and tricks. If the hollow part is faceup, you will have to flip the charcoal over so the hollow part is face down. Take your tongs carefully, grab hold of the coal, and slowly rotate the coal, place hollow side face down. |
Question: Which coals should I use? |
Answer: |
Question: How much does a roll of coals cost? |
Answer: |